1) Consuming animal-free products and eating healthy literally creates neuro-pathways in the brain that result in clarity of thinking and purity of instinct. The Feast of Life Nutrition method is the primary building block that naturally sustains the brain's power and produces creativity. "Garbage in, garbage out." By embracing alternative routes, ones that will naturally utilize the brain's full capabilities, we build tools for creating lasting and healthy relationships in every area of life.
2) Elimination of the rotted waste, physically and metaphorically, is a key to starting afresh. We will eradicate the time wasted in unfulfilling relationships, the wrong job, and weight and health problems. What is stuck on the inside is going to be stuck on the outside. This treatment starts the brain flowing and creates activity where blockages were residing. Action replaces passivity and clarity replaces confusion.
3) "Journey of The Sphinx" is a fundamental reading tool that exemplifies efforts humans exert into non-productive situations. By enlisting in only what you truly feel deep down inside and opening up the channels of your mind that have laid dormant for centuries, you can be without that deep inner anxiety that follows you through your life. You will be energized and feel only what is true and authentic. Abandoning those hidden stories and defenses so subconsciously you don't even know they are there, you will come away with a renewed sense of freedom. It is this freedom that is the pathway to resolving all obstacles to accomplishing your life's purpose.
We can't go back, we cannot stop the wind, but we can alter our sails. The first step to seeking new lands is to lose sight of the current shore. This program teaches you how to alter your sails, your karma. Through this combination of programs, you will uncover historical patterns that have created your current life. What you learn will be life-altering and will result in living the life you dream of.
For the Bronze, Silver, and Gold programs, go to http://mariawhitworth.com/vegan/
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with Maria Whitworth’s lifestyle coaching program. As your lifestyle coach, Maria will help you identify harmful patterns and cycles that influence your life and teach you how to break free from these things that hold you back. By adopting a holistic approach to nutrition and connecting with your inner self, you'll unlock success in all areas of life.
Let Maria help you discover your purpose and live a life filled with passion and purpose through her three lifestyle coaching programs. Reach out to the lifestyle coach today to begin your journey toward unlocking your higher self.